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Revenue Consolidation

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Case which consolidation method to choose?

Read the extracted article about Ahold and discuss the main covered accounting issue.

Analyze Biloniti & Tasta Italia Case.

Extracted from New York Times (February 5, 00)

Buy cheap Revenue Consolidation term paper

Aholds Accounting Scandal Raises Questions on Whats Being



But another accounting change, which the company said was made after its auditors learned

more information about its various international subsidiaries, will reduce reported sales but

apparently will not affect profit.

Those subsidiaries had previously been consolidated, even though they were not fully owned.

That meant all the revenue was reported by Royal Ahold, although it would then deduct from

its profit the portion of profit controlled by other investors in the subsidiaries. Now the

subsidiaries will be partly consolidated. The effect will be that a subsidiary that was 50

percent owned, with $1 million in sales, would now show as having provided only $500,000

in sales.

Such partial consolidation is acceptable under Dutch accounting rules, the company said. And

while it is not allowed for American companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission

allows foreign companies to keep such consolidations when they reconcile their financial

statements to United States rules.

Just what facts the auditors found to make them want to stop the company from fully

consolidating the sales was not clear, and Mr. de Ruiter said he could not comment on it.

But the effect will be to reduce the explosive top-line growth of the company. In 1, the

year before Mr. van der Hoeven took over, Royal Ahold had sales of .8 billion euros. By

001, that was up to 66.6 billion euros, and in 00 reported sales were up 1. percent for

the first nine months.

Case Biloniti & Tasta Italia

The Biloniti SA is an Italian company specializing in the production and marketing of frozen

Italian traditional food, like pizza, lasagna and mixed cooked pasta. Thank to the success of

its business, the company expanded its covering in France by founding in the Nice region a

subsidiary Tasta Italia in 000. Biloniti holds 60% of the capital of Tasta Italia.

Here are the balance sheets and income statements of Biloniti and Tasta Italia companie, as of

1 December 0x1.


Analyze the following different situations and use the appropriate method to prepare the

consolidated balance sheet and income statement

Situation No. 1

Biloniti holds 60% of the capital of Tasta Italia and executes an exclusive control on the latter.

Full consolidation

Situation No.

Biloniti holds 60% of the capital of Tasta Italia. However, Tasta Italia was founded with a

French partner (who holds 40% of the capital). In the contract, two parties agreed to share the

control of Tasta Italia.

Biloniti is listed at the Milan Stock Exchange.

Proportionate consolidation

Situation No.

Biloniti holds 60% of the capital of Tasta Italia. However, Tasta Italia was founded with a

French partner (who holds 40% of the capital). In the contract, two parties agreed to share the

control of Tasta Italia.

Biloniti is listed at NASDAQ.

Equity method


Compare the consolidated sales in the three situations and comment the differences.

By using the Ahold case above, think about the possible financial and economic consequences

from these different consolidation methods.

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