Monday, February 15, 2021 -

Consumerism and our environment

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Many times, while stuck in a traffic on a freeway, I dream of a day when driving would no longer be one of my daily life's necessities. I dream of working across the street, which would eliminate the hassle of having a car, maintaining it and, most of all, driving to and from work in traffic. In my dream, I am car-free and not bothered with cost of insurance, gas, repair and other problems that we experience as drivers. However, my dream seems to disappear as soon as I get out of traffic and it is forgotten until the next time I am on the road with array of cars slowing down for yet another hour of usual freeway traffic. Each time I find myself in above situation, I do not fail to blame progressive era for creating cars and, especially, freeways.

Our disappointment in progress is only momentary. I know this from my own experience. I talked about how I dream of not having to go through the hassle of having a car and driving it, yet, as I get home and relax in front of TV and see a new car model advertised on TV, I dream of being able to purchase it. Once my husband bought me a new car as a surprise, but I refused to drive it for the color and the model of it. I liked my old Jaguar better than this new, clean and compact car. What did I like about my Jaguar?

The name of it. The status. The image. The message.

There is barely a space in our culture not already carrying commercial messages. Even President Clinton's inaugural parade featured a Budweiser float. Even funeral homes and cemeteries advertise for better caskets and better graves. What is a better casket and better grave? Is it so important to a person which area of cemetery he will call home for his bones after his death, or what kind of expensive casket will hold his bones while his flesh rots? I guess it is, because what is advertised is apparently worth it. Because it has a name, a status, an image and a message. We buy all of the above.

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I think there is nothing wrong with the desire to buy and possess lots of things as long as they make my life convenient. The only problem I have with advertisements is that they confuse us with too many choices. A decade ago, grocery stores carried about ,000 items. Now they stock about 4,000 items. Crest toothpaste comes in 6 sizes and shapes. Revlon produces about 158 different shades of lipstick. These endless lists of products, sizes, colors and other adjectives that can describe the products we use create confusion and make people's decision making abilities slow down and, sometimes, die. For those unfortunate ones, who's senses of decision making left them, the advertisers can now help to choose an experienced decorator, designer, constructor, engineer, architect and even Feng Shui instructor to make your decision for you and tell you what is good and what is bad for you. This is exactly what advertisements do. After all, how would one figure out which of the thousand of shampoos sold in stores all over United States is best for your hair? Or what is the difference between the old and the new version of Kodak picture paper? With so many products being marketed every day, people cannot possibly try them all due to lack of time or knowledge, and here is when advertisements come real handy. They help us make the choices in products.

Some advertisements, however, are distracting because their nature is to promote disturbing behavior. Take any liquor or cigarette ad. It is a well known fact that drinking

and smoking is hazardous to our health and it says so on each and every alcohol containing bottle and each pack of cigarettes. However, these products are being advertised in such tempting colors and pictures that it sends wrong message to millions of teenagers as well as adults. We may see a beautiful girl, tall and slim, sexy and chic holding a cigarette to her mouth next to a sexy and handsome guy who's lifting his lighter to light her cigarette. It is a dream of every teenage girl and boy to be tall, slim and sexy, and they easily look up to the two models on the ad and think if they smoke, they may just seem as cool as these two on the picture.

Getting quality products makes people spend more money. For instance, if I am shopping for a new TV, I am ready to pay little more for a better quality TV. This is one of the products we do not buy every day or every year and would want them to be in good and working condition for many years. No matter what one gets, there will always be a new and more interesting product invented and released soon or later, something that will suit our needs better and will be more compact than the old ones we already have.

Listed here problems are not easy to fix. We should start at the roots, not at the branch because you cut a branch and leave roots intact, the tree will still grow and may even grow more branches in the place of one you just cut. I agree with Kirkpatrick Sale's statement that the individualistic approach will not change much in the entire world. We should understand our planet better in order to make reasonable decisions about how to keep it clean. He states that we do not have to do anything to a natural forest to make it sustainable. It is better to leave it alone. He relies on several historical reports of savvy

practices of this kind. Whether in medieval England, or old Russia, people somehow managed to keep their produce healthy and air unpolluted.

I want to see that happen in my and my children's lifetime. I want to not have to worry about buying a food that has all kinds of preservatives, additives, and hormones in it. I want to be able to go to store and not read labels before purchasing any food. Tomatoes do not taste like tomatoes anymore. They taste more like soft plastics. Peaches do not emit that sweet aroma that we were used to while we were growing up. Everything is made with preservatives to enable consumers to preserve it for even more. Frozen and canned foods became our society's necessity. We are too busy making our planet unfriendly for all of us. Competition, money and power. I think we should look for answers in these words. You try to make something that someone else has already made before you, but not in the same fashion. You want it better and more. So you fertilize the soil with chemicals and feed your cows hormones. Now you have more produce. You sell your more produce in more markets than the guy before you. Now you have even more money than he does and with more money now you have more power. Power to purchase and drug more lands, drug more cows and chickens, grow more of plastic tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits; power to market even more produce and sell more to get richer. Your plastic food is consumed not just by others, but also by your own siblings, relatives, children and, as a reminder, yourself. The soil, you so violently abuse and drug, is like any other living thing one day is going to give up on you and die. The air you pollute with your industrial smog and gases, like any other living thing, is asking you to stop before it gives up.

We are so shielded form environmental and human consequences of our consumption that we became ignorant about the collapse of forest, thinning of the ozone layer, and suffering of those who's hard labor enables us to purchase the products we use.

Our natural environment is at great risk of destruction, so is our health. As a result of air and water pollution, soil manipulation and toxic or radioactive experiments, our society is suffering today from life threatening diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes three degenerative disorders directly linked to environmental factor.

Consumerism really cost us a lot of money. We may pay less for something that was imported to United States form one of the environmentally unregulated overseas counties where labor is cheap so is the product (how much do we know about each countries environmental awareness and regulations?). First of all, by doing so we encourage the spread of consumerism and weaken the inventive to manufacture long-lasting, quality products right here in United States. Second of all, we encourage unemployment in our country due to nationwide loss of manufacturing jobs, recipients of welfare, less personal health, fewer public services, and greater public and private debt.

What happens when we purchase cheaply made overseas products and sometimes later finds out about the level of toxins used to make them? Those of us, who learn about it through either media or TV, or just through a word of mouth and listens, throw them away and stay away form those particular products for the rest of our lives. For example, few years ago I find out from one of my relatives that crayons and color pencils made in China contain an unacceptable amount of lead in them which is dangerous to children's health. Unless it states on the box "made in USA with non-toxic materials", I do not buy

them for my kids and encourage others to read labels before they purchase them. But there are so many other products that enter this country from overseas countries that we do not know a first thing about their environmental regulation, if they have one. We may have thousands of those items in our homes, on our children's night stand and not be aware of their toxic dangers.

We all can protect our and our children's health, and our planet by, first of all, learning more about the danger to global environment. There are many government and non-profit agencies that can help us understand the degree of danger and how to protect and make our planet a better place to live. There are also many organizations that can teach us more about the negative influence of consumerism and how to fight it.

In my own opinion from what I learned about consumerism and environment, I can offer the following solution. I would like to see people use more of natural, non-toxic cleaning, skin, hair and body care products. People should work even harder to try to purify the water and air and use clean energy solar and wind. 100% natural products, organic foods, produce, grains and meats should be available to people at lower, more affordable than present prices so people of all walks of life, be poor or rich, are able to purchase them. Organic clothing, fibers and dyes should be made affordable as well. As much as we believe in orthodox medicine, we should try to make homeopathy, herbology, and ionic mineral supplements a part of our daily lives.

Most importantly, we should not just think and write essays about changing our lives for the better. We should act on it and teach our children and peers to get involved in this fight against the destruction of human race and our planet.

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