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Augustine's basis for believing in God is a simple idea humans' want for the truth by way of reason. What he says is that because we have this characteristic of reason, different from every other creature on this earth, we are made to seek out the truth of everything. We all know what wisdom is, but, by no fault of our own, it is difficult to attain. Augustine believes that people who think God does not exist are faulty in their search for truth because they are failing to look at the bigger picture that there has to be only one thing that encompasses everything, that everything comes from, and that one thing has to be God. Augustine uses the analogy of the number one to illustrate this argument "…any material object…surely has a right and a left, a top and a bottom, a near side and a farther side, ends and a middle. We must admit that these parts are present in any material object, however tiny, and so we must concede that no material object is truly and simply one. And yet we could not enumerate so many parts unless we had some knowledge of what one is." (45) Since we are simply humans, we cannot have created, or formed, if you will, ourselves. This is only logical, as that which is formed cannot therefore form itself; it has to have been formed from something else. Both people who do and don't believe in God should at least agree on that. Since we have this common thread, it would not be a stretch to say that we both believe in the idea of something higher than ourselves of which we are only one piece. And since we can make that connection, we can also make the connection that there are things in this world that do not occupy time and space, but only occupy the mind. This is the higher truth or higher thing that we cannot grasp in material form; this concept of one of which Augustine speaks. Because we know that we have this ability to reason, we can easily come to the conclusion that we attempt to attain wisdom. Augustine describes wisdom as "nothing other than the truth in which the highest good is discerned and acquired." (47) Our whole lives we try to find out what gives us the most happiness and we go after that, and by the trying and failing of this natural human occurrence, we acquire the experience of knowing what does and does not work to attain this happiness, which can thus be called wisdom. When we have this internal truth aimed in the right direction, which from Augustine's Neoplatonic view would be to find out what makes everything that exists always exist, we find out that we come to the conclusion that our creator is topped by no other, and that there is in fact only one creator of all. When we think that God does not exist, according to Augustine, it is because we are thinking that works of the flesh (i.e. material objects) rather than the origin of the material object (i.e. works of flesh) are more important. This is the human fault. But once we are able to overlook the works themselves, and look to the real truth, we come to see that the unchangeable, eternal creature that made us, God, is real, and that is when we know that we are strong enough and pure enough of mind to have this wisdom.

It therefore seems completely logical that a God has to exist, or else mankind and everything else would not exist. To rephrase, we solely exist because God exists, but God does not solely exist because we exist, and therefore he must be the supreme being. Once we get over the idea that we are not the highest creatures in the hierarchy of all that exist, we are left with no option except that God exists.

Custom Essays on augusine

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