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Set into the background of post-war baby-boom in Australia, the same time that Australians were preoccupied with the war in Vietnam and the divisions within society.

Gow uses elegant simplicity and a finely tuned sense of humour to follow three very different families on their yearly holiday. this holiday took place during the summer of 167-68. Gow uses these journeys to show the spiritual quests the families undertake.

We meet the three families with the use of the themes of loss and reconcilliation. Roy and Coral are learning to deal with the loss of their son in the war in Vietnam. Corals distance is shown when she is aked by Roy Come back to reality Coral simply replies I might not like it there.

Harry and Vic are faced with the prospect of losing their son to leukimea and although Harry and Vic are unaware their son Tom is fully aware of his illness.

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Meg, Jim and Gwens daughter is also being torn away from her parents but it is simply because she is growing up.

All three families head up the coast to different locations, three different socio-economic status holidays. However their holidays, taken to celebrate the new year seemed all but lost when a violent storm brings them all together on the beach where the process of healing begins.

Healing, however can only begin when a catalyst occurs. Tom, along with the storm causes Coral to wake up and come back to reality, be Kim Novak again. Tom tells her a thing or two. Her change is shown first when she askes Tom youre not feeling sick or anything?. But her complete change is shown when she says in her own voice Im walking Im walking

Gwens catalyst is primarily the strom because it washes away all of her material possessions however her final change does not occur until Vic tells her of Toms condition. This is to emotional for Gwen and she realises how snide she has been. Her intial change is shown when she can not take a bex (her dependancy) but her final change is shown when she leads the applause at the end of Coral and Toms play.

In a rich and poetic way their time away by the sea heals their battered spirits and deepens their sense of going home.

Please note that this sample paper on Away is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Away, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Away will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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