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The opponents of Hunting use propaganda to mislead; particularly about the facts of the more emotional aspects and about the politics of a ban. First I will examine a typical advertisement to see how facts are misrepresented.

The picture

When you read the script you will believe that this shows a fox killed recently by disembowelling by hounds. But notice the eyes, which are typical of an animal which has been dead for some time, and the absence of a brush on the tail. It seems to me that this fox has received the attentions of somebody intent upon Taxidermy pobably for the fashion trade. A very similar, if not identical, fox carcase and text appeared in advertisements placed by the RSPCA. The Countryside Alliance complained to the Advertising Standards Agency, who adjudicated that the RSPCA

Used a photograph that was not genuine.

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Misrepresented official government policy.

Made false implications about the way in which hunting is conducted.

The text

Please click to see comments alongside a true transcript of the text.

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